
Chapter 40: you may lift the veil

Chapter 40: You may lift the veil and Kiss your bride

Author's POV

She walked the steps with Clara, getting to the front of the door, The little girl tugged on her hand, Amy looked down at her bending a little.

"Uncle Cole looks very handsome too" she whispered to her before the door opened, the light almost blinded Amy, she couldn't see for a moment, when she opened her eyes Clara had disappeared.

Both rows to her left and right were filed with people who turned to look at her immediately the door opened, Amy almost gaped at them, she was only grateful for her veil, and this was supposed to be a very quiet and quick wedding.

She'll have to talk to Cole about this, not that she had any problem with the people but he had told her that their wedding would—

The music started, she had gone over this with Mira earlier so she knew it was time for to start walking, she took two steps into the church giving the people her best smile,

she looked straight ahead, she saw Cole at the front of th
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