
Chapter 7 Relationship Rumor

Maya’s POV

“Your grandmother thought what?!” I gasped, baffled by what the Alpha told me.

“I said because of that photo I told you about, Grandma believes we’re in a relationship. With you being pregnant with my child,” he repeated. 

We were in his car, driving to the clinic to get my arm treated, which was starting to bruise. Not because of the Alpha when he pinned me to the wall earlier, but more from when Jayden grabbed me before that. As he drove, the Alpha explained the questions his grandmother was asking me. Though the explanation did answer the point of those questions, it left me with more confusion. Particularly…

“Can’t we tell her that it was a misunderstanding?” I inquired.

“If it were that simple, we wouldn’t be in this situation to start with,” he pointed out.

We soon arrived at a clinic, where the doctor was treating my arm. As he was giving me treatment, the Alpha went to make a phone call right outside the building. Not long after he finished treating my arm and left the room, the door slammed open, and I turned to see Corina burst in.

“Okay, I want answers, and I want them now,” she hastily said, sitting right next to me. “When and how did you end up with Alpha Zeke of all people?”

“Huh? Well…” I knew she was going to ask that, but I was not entirely sure what to tell her.

It seems Corina caught on to some part of my hesitation and sighed, “Well, I guess it may be a sudden thing between you two. If you don’t want to talk about it because you don’t remember much, I understand,” she rolled her eyes. 

I sweat dropped at the claim, for I have doubts she actually understood much of my case. I then shuddered when a strange smile formed on her face.

“In that case, I’ll help you improve your relationship with him!” she suddenly declared. “This is the Alpha we’re talking about. If you’re not careful, you may lose his favor at some point. Especially as a human.”

“I am aware that I am human, but did you really need to point that out?” I questioned.

“It’s not as simple as you think! Being in a relationship with Alpha Zeke is huge. You know how important it is for werewolves to be with their mates, right? Specifically their first one, a special mate.” I nodded in confirmation to the question. “Alpha Zeke had that mate, but she disappeared.”

Confusion turned into shock at the news. The Alpha’s mate disappeared? 

“There were plenty of rumors about what happened, but the most famous one is how she couldn’t handle the responsibilities expected of her as the pack’s Luna. Adding on talk about him being in need of an heir, many other women practically jumped at the chance to be his new destined other. Some even went as far as to… do questionable things to get his favor or cheat their way into the position…” The way Corina said that last part while looking away from me, even palling somewhat, told me enough of what those ‘questionable things’ were. 

I suppose it was no wonder why the Alpha accused me of seducing him earlier. Even though it was only by chance from my perspective, in his, I was only doing what other women in his life were attempting to do. And that…

… Makes me irritated. Yes, I understand how he felt, but to take that out on me and make baseless assumptions that I would be anything like his ‘pursuers’? I may be human, and thus weaker than any werewolf in the pack, but even I have my pride. That pride did not include leaping into the arms of another, solely relying on him to take great care of me as I laze about.

“That being said, we need to make a plan,” Corina cleared her throat, regaining my attention. “If some other sexy woman comes up and wins Alpha Zeke over, it will be over for you. Just think about it. You and the Alpha, whom Jayden would never cross. If you play your cards right, not only will you be that jerk’s new boss, you can get him to break off the bond he forced on you! Win back your freedom through the Alpha. I have plenty of clothes that can help you seduce him~”

The thought of that made me flinch and blush. I caught a glimpse of the clothes she spoke of, and they were quite revealing, to say the least.

“I-I don’t need that sort of help!” I exclaimed. “Besides, I have more important things to think about. Like finding a place to live, and… getting a steady job.”

Corina became bewildered by my response. “I don’t mind if you stay at my place. Also, do you need to find a job when you have the Alpha?” Corina asked.

“I can’t keep relying on you. Nor can I rely on my relationship with him to make a living,” I reasoned. “And even if the Alpha does want me around, don’t forget about one particular little thing,” I reminded, pointing at a thing on my shoulder, hidden by the dress’s long strap.

Corina understood what I meant and sucked her lips lightly. “I’m sure the Alpha can help with that somehow. He may have connections that can get rid of it,” she said.

“And if he doesn’t? Worse yet, what if he does find a werewolf better than me? You really think a human has any chance against anyone here? I’d rather keep my options open than be close-minded as to think anything goes one way, like Jillian did.”

Corina frowned when I pointed that out, clearly annoyed with Jillian. “You’re nothing like Jillian. I should know. I’ve seen how you interact with others during all those volunteer events.”

“And if staying with the Alpha does make me like her?” Corina tilted her head when I said that. “You said it yourself. His first mate disappeared. That doesn’t mean she’s dead. What if she went into hiding or something, and the reason why the Alpha didn’t take any other women is because he’s keeping her hidden somewhere safe? I stay with him any longer than I should, and I would be no better than Jillian.”

Corina looked down with a slight nod at my statement. “You do realize, though, that after that event back at the gala, everyone is going to think you two are a thing, right?” she pointed out.

I winced at the reminder, thinking back to the scene we made. “I-I’m sure the Alpha will be able to explain.”

‘Hopefully,’ I mentally added. I wasn’t sure if the Alpha would be able to clear things up. In fact, he could twist the truth and pin the blame of the rumors on me for all I know. All the more reason why I shouldn’t keep relying on him, and start planning to live my life in this pack on my own.

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