
Wedding day (2)

Meanwhile, the astute Lauren, Killian's cousin, observed the scene with a wry smile, choosing to remain silent. She had seen her fair share of family disputes, and this particular disagreement seemed to amuse her more than anything.

Just as the tension reached its peak, Dana Serpentine, with her signature enigmatic smile, sauntered over, a hint of sarcasm lingering in her gaze. "Well, well, what do we have here?"

Dana couldn't help but recall the days when Killian, now entangled with an outsider, had been a frequent visitor to her home, captivated by her older sister, Annstasia. The shift in his affections left Dana feeling a twinge of resentment.

Killian, aware of Dana's gaze, tried to diffuse the tension. "Lady Serpentine, it's not what it seems. My mother has these outdated traditions, and I'm just trying to make sense of it all."

Dana, ever the composed observer, arched an eyebrow. "Outdated traditions, you say? I thought Andersons prided themselves on their adherence to traditio
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