
Shiandra tempts Nicholas

"The Queen is going to be horrified." Said the King.

"Yes. But you know. Life has its ups and downs."

"Tell me.. did you by any chance have a hand in the attack on Alex?" The King asked.

"Brother.. you know me."

"No Nicholas,I feel like I don't know you at all."

"My Lord I did not kill Alex." Said Nicholas.

"Did you then, send those men to do it down you?"

"How could I my Lord. You told me you change your mind, that you don't want Alex killed anymore."

Carmen showed up suddenly.

"You wanted Alex killed?" She asked.

"My Queen." Said the King, standing up from his chair, startled.

"Excuse me my Lord." Said Nicholas,standing up to leave.

"Sit down! You are not escaping this one." The Queen commanded

"That was before. But I changed my mind. Please believe me. I had nothing to do with Alex's death." Said the King.

Carmen who already knew that Alex was alive had to pretend to be angry. But that came easy as she had just found out that the King had plotted against him before.

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