

True to my word, I snuck into Isaac’s bed that night. He didn’t complain, and was quickly asleep. If it weren’t for the way he held onto me, I would have tossed and turned all night.

Just as the moon was beginning to relinquish the night, I gave up on any attempts at sleep. With monumental effort, I disentangled myself from Isaac, deciding it was time to straighten out all the tangled webs of confusion in my mind.

I crept down the hall, finding my way to my room. I swung the door open to see Blair was also wide awake. She had her grimoire laid out before her, and if my familiarity with her magic was correct, she was performing a scrying spell.

My entrance broke her concentration, though, and she looked up. Usually, she would chastise me for something like that, but today she said nothing.

“Hi,” I whispered, not knowing what else to say.

Blair’s lips twitched with the thought of a smile, but there was too much tension in the air to allow it.

“Can I ask you a question?” I pro
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