
chapter 61


“What?”, I hear Tareem trying to calm down someone. I look out my window and see Tareem pushing a livid Davil back with one hand.

Their voices are not loud. I just tap into my super hearing to listen on their conversation. It isn’t an invasion of privacy if they rant on my property.

“Sasha called crying. I knew something was up with how lean and tired she looked and she assured me she was fine. I stopped checking on my little sister and they decide to make her miserable”, Davil complains and Tareem look around and up to my room as his eyes look at me. His pupil dilate and I know he is angry.

“I will handl-“

“Let me handle it. She is my si-“

“She is my best friend. I know she was off too but we know she will stop us if we barge in. So calm down and let me handle it”, Tareem tries to make Davil reason with him.

“You think I care about that. I should have never given her to this accursed family. Every day is like an unbearable curse for
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