


“I knew I made the right choice.” Alpha Alexander stated, placing his hand on my shoulder. Startled, I raised my head and looked at him, my eyebrows set in a deep frown.

“You have passed all my tests, Keith.” Holding my shoulders in a firm grip, he helped me to my feet. “You are clever, steadfast, loyal and a brilliant strategist.” I gaped at him with a bewildered expression as he continued, “What is more, you love Melinda with all your heart. You are willing to sacrifice everything for her happiness.” His lips curled in a bright smile. “No one in this world can match up to you.”

“You mean to say, this entire thing was a part of some damn test?” I gasped, shaking my head in disbelief. “I don’t understand. Why in the fucking world would you go to such lengths to test me?”

“I will explain everything in due time, but for now, let us get over with the formalities.” He said as he led me to the chair placed at a higher elevation than the rest. Making me sit on the chair, he si
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