
Chapter four

"Get away from me!" I exclaimed, my hand instinctively coiling into a tight fist as I forcefully pushed him away, the impact of my palm meeting his chest. The surprise etched on his face quickly morphed into a mixture of annoyance and a subtle twinge of sadness, his brows furrowing in response. The air between us grew heavy with tension as we stood there, a frigid silence settling in the room.

His presence had been overwhelming, invading my personal space without warning. I took a step back, creating distance between us, while the distant echoes of trumpets reverberated through the cold, stone walls of the castle. His retreat mirrored mine, his gaze never leaving me, before he abruptly turned and vanished into the labyrinthine hallways. Now alone in the room, the chill in the air seemed to seep into my bones, mirroring the icy ache within my heart.

Sorrow consumed me as I grappled with the news of my mother's demise. There had been no time for mourning, no chance to properly bid her farewell. Tears welled up, unbidden, as I buried my face in my arms, seeking solace in the familiar embrace of grief. Each tear that cascaded down my cheeks burned against my skin; a poignant reminder of the void left by her unreadable.

Amid my despair, the door swung open with a creak, piercing the silence. Startled, I looked up to find a figure standing before me. It was a male member of the pack, a mere messenger, it seemed. His presence only served to heighten the coldness in the room, his breath forming a misty exhale in the frigid air. 

"You are required in the ballroom immediately," he stated curtly, his voice carrying a tone of authority. His gaze flickered towards a lady standing quietly behind him, her form enveloped in a shroud of mystery. She was draped in a flowing grey cloak, her scarf wrapped tightly around her neck as if to shield herself from the chill that permeated the castle. Her expression, though unreadable, held a sense of sombre duty.

Without a word, the messenger retreated, leaving me alone with this enigmatic woman. As she stepped forward, her presence seemed to fill the room, her eyes carrying a glimmer of compassion amidst the coldness that surrounded us. With a subtle bow, she beckoned me to follow her, her movements graceful yet imbued with a solemn determination.

"I'll lead the way," she spoke softly, her voice a delicate whisper that echoed in the cold atmosphere. The warmth of her touch gently settled on my waist, providing a fleeting sense of comfort against the icy backdrop. As we ventured through the dimly lit hallways, our breaths mingled with the chill, and the weight of uncertainty hung in the air, weaving an intricate dance of anticipation and apprehension.

"Why am I being summoned to the ballroom?" I couldn't contain my curiosity any longer, my inquisitive nature pushing me to seek answers. I turned my gaze towards the enigmatic woman who accompanied me, hoping she would provide some insight. Her eyes flickered towards me, a fleeting glimmer of amusement dancing within their depths before she responded.

"That, my dear, is something you shall discover for yourself," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of mystery. Her lips subtly moistened, and her gaze momentarily dropped to my tail. It was a peculiar gesture, one that piqued my interest even further. 

I couldn't help but press for more information. "What do you mean? Is there something special about my tail?" I asked, my eyes shifting to observe my seemingly ordinary appendage. I failed to see anything remarkable about it, yet the woman's reaction suggested otherwise.

Her hand instinctively rose to cover her mouth, her eyes widening in astonishment. "Oh, how fortunate you are," she exclaimed, her voice muffled by her palm. I couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and intrigue. What was it about my tail that elicited such a response?

"You have no idea, do you?" she continued, her gaze fixed on me with a newfound intensity. "These colours hold great significance, dear. They tell a story, a tale of destiny and purpose." Her words hung in the air, laden with a weight I struggled to comprehend. I marvelled at the idea that my seemingly ordinary tail held hidden meaning.

As we walked down the dimly lit hallway, I noticed intricate statues adorning its sides. Each statue seemed to depict a different era, their intricate carvings revealing a glimpse into the past. Some bore the markings of the 19th century, while others hailed from the 18th. They stood as silent witnesses, guardians of history in this enigmatic castle

"Thank you for enlightening me, though I fail to see their relevance to me," I remarked, a faint smile tugging at the corners of my lips. I wagged my tail playfully, unaware of its deeper significance. To me, it had always been a simple appendage, nothing more.

As we approached the grand entrance to the main ballroom, a sense of anticipation surged within me. All around, eyes turned towards me, their gazes fixed in rapt attention. Whispers fluttered through the air like ethereal melodies, adding to the allure of the moment. It became evident that something extraordinary awaited me within those grand doors, and with each step I took, I could feel the weight of destiny settling upon my shoulders.

Standing amidst the ornate throne room, a sense of unease washed over me, intensified by the hushed whispers that permeated the air. The woman by my side remained a constant pillar of support, her gentle touch offering solace amidst the sea of unknown faces. Suddenly, a male figure emerged from the shadows, his piercing howl commanding the attention of the gathered audience. As the throne rotated, anticipation coursed through my veins, my heart pounding in my chest. With bated breath, I turned to face the unfolding scene before me, a cascade of suspense and uncertainty flooding my senses.

And it was not what I expected it to be.

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