
Chapter 11 - The Power of Subconscious

"You heard me right Enya, I want you to be still. You are the half of my being, just like a sister, a sibling." Martin pokes the damp grass with his wooden stick and sniffs.

"Yeah right, it's because I know how stinky your feet are hahaha!"

"And you want me to bring back your most embarrassing moment when you blew your nose and expelled greenish sticky thing?" Martin teasingly smirked.

"Eew! Stop it, Martin! No, but seriously, I'm being friend-zoned here by the most beautiful creature in this land, by my most trusted friend in this enchanted land (sarcastically looks at Martin),  but I don't think my feelings will soon change or fade away just because of your stupid dream."

"Are you bugging my conscience, Enya?" Martin squeezed his eyes.

"Oooh... does your conscience even shake? Enya whispers and sighs in her mind, " Well... I hope so,  only then you could see me the way I see you." 

Martin changes the mood and insists on his thought about his dream, " But what if in my lifetime, that mortal will appear in my sight and I could finally see her face?"

Enya discourages his thought, "Martin, I am just reminding you that loving a mortal means giving up your position in the tribe, and giving up your position is a betrayal to your ancestors. No one has the power to surpass what you have been through, no one can be a leader in this tribe but you."

Before Martin can answer, Bulingaw came with his rough quick steps, "My Lord a villager knocked on the Mabolo door to warn us about King Angus' threatening moves. He released thousands of crows in the village and the crows reached the city. People are afraid that death will soon dominate their land."

Martin tightened his lips and narrowed his eyes, he thought, "Victoria is at strike again. She finally convinced King Angus to break the law of immortals."

Enya raised her left eyebrow and suggested, "I will meet with the mermaids and fairies, we will be ready for the battle." She immediately disappears from Martin's side and suddenly shows up in the middle of Sabina's mermaids.

Martin turned to Bulingaw, "Send your crickets and dragonflies in the outside world, ask the elders if they already held a meeting with the leaders of each chapter. They might have to leave their houses before Victoria's beasts attack and sweep every mortal out of the town."

Bulingaw bends his right knee and bowed his head in Martin's direction, "Yes Lord."

Martin suddenly turns his head from left to right, screening all the members of the tribe as they brightly display their glorious colors, wide smiles, and joyful giggles. He spotted Nano sharing a glass of freshly squeezed raspberry juice with his fellow half-man half-horse brother.

With Martin's magical eyes, he called Nano through his stare and Nano immediately runs to Martin's spot. He sits on the wooden chair where Enya left and asks with a husky tone, "What's bothering you brother."

Martin reveals running his fingers through his furry beard, " I do not know if this is the right time to tell you this because Bulingaw came to me just a few moments ago and told me that King Angus purposely released crows in mortal's land, but I think you must know."

"About what Martin? Being your friend for the longest time I can understand whatever it is that you are going to tell. Is something is bothering you? Well aside from King Angus' betrayal of the law." Nano pleasingly asked with his engaging tone.

Martin straightened his back and looks in the mermaid's direction, Enya confessed about her feelings for me."

Nano felt bugs racing in his chest and cleared his throat, " Uhum..."

"Martin responded to Nano's hesitation to answer him back, "I know your eyes only cherish her, I know for a long time."

Nano jerks his head to his left and slides his fingers to his long bushy beard, "How did you know?"

"Nothing can pass my eyes. I see you peeking at us every time Enya and I have a personal space. I feel that you have had this thing for her for a very long time because many times that you have shielded her from the storm that's passing our land."

"Well, every member from our tribe deserves my shield from those storms and unpredictable attacks from our rival beasts."

"But not everyone captures your gray eyes with love and affection. Not everyone feels awkward between me and Enya. remember when we had a game back in our childhood games where I played the role of the King, and Enya as my Queen but you suddenly opposed, you said that you are better than me in fighting that's why you should be the King to Enya."

Nano clearly remembers the scene and laughs, " Haha! And she cried."

"And you embraced her, then I left because my father called me and it did not even bother me if I can not join your game. Maybe because I treated her a sister or just a friend from the start."

"And I'm treated her like my Princess, like my Queen that should be cherished, and loved." Nano undeniably spilled these words giving a clear answer to Martin that he is indeed in love with Goddess Enya.

"Do you plan to make a move anytime soon?"

"Haha! Well know I'm more than happy to know that you do not have a thing for Enya, I wish I could lend my arms and convince her that she can share her sadness with me, from being rejected by Lord Martin to I guess not having any chance to build a family with a different creature. But no matter what, my heart, my eyes, my everything will only be offered to her."

Martin's eyes flash with hope, "So you think I should amend the law?"

"A mixture of breed? Are you serious Martin?" Nano furrowed his eyebrows but curved his lips upward and releases air from his nose.

"Well... Contrary to our ancestors' belief that the sacredness of each breed is the tribe's pride and honor, I think a mixture of the breed will result in a more beautiful race of our tribe, right Nano?" Martin raises his shoulders and taps Nano's back.

Nano drops his eyes in awe and slowly rolls his eyes from left to right with hesitation to reply,     "Is... is that you Martin? Did you suddenly meet the gods of the forest and give you this wonderful idea, or did you even consult them regarding this?"

Martin rests his back and extends his legs in the damp grass and spreads his arms at the back of his wooden chair, "I am the Lord, the King of this tribe, I can amend the law anytime without gods' permission, all I have to do is let them know and a rain is a strong sign of their blessing." Martin raises his voice and confidently answers.

"What made you change your mind? or should I ask, who made you change your mind."

"I have been battling with my emotions whenever I punish a tribe member who has fallen in love with a member but a different creature. I felt pity  but at the same time I should display my heartless verdict because it is the law, though unborn innocents were hurt, and beautiful creatures have to  their unjustifiable death in the fire"

Nano teasingly shakes his friend a bit, "Is that, you Martin? Hey, could you bring my friend back?"

"Haha! You know my true self."

"Yes I know, that is why whenever you punish a member, I know that you were just bound by tough rules made by our ancestors, but tears and regret are behind your strong heartless eyes. I am always by your side to support your laws and command."

Martin breathes deep and a few seconds have passed "I dreamed of a beautiful mortal in a wedding gown, with my hand on her cheeks."

Nano's heart jumps with amazingly, "Oh that's why you want to amend the law, Martin."

"A dream is our subconscious Nano, it is sometimes a peek to our future, and maybe, this is a sign that new rules in our land must be implemented to a more beautiful race made by gods and goddesses."

The half-human half-horse creature unbelievably nods his head and raises his left arm to  reach Martin's shoulder, "I got your back, the whole tribe would be more than grateful for this Martin."

Martin raises his head and his eyes alarmingly see someone from a distance hiding behind the enormous Mango tree,  it is Tony, the silly goblin and a loyal servant of Victoria flashing a riddle with an insult written in unreadable letters in black cardboard with golden writing. 

Martin's mind boggles, "Is it Tony the goblin? How did he enter my land? " 

The letters are appearing one by one, "Your dream will send your whole tribe in the fire." 

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