



He whispers the word and somehow finishes the thought of someone that he knew, yet he needed to pretend that he didn’t. With the pen in his hand, spinning it effortlessly with his fingers, his mind is too far away from the current reality that he doesn’t even care for himself.

“Alright everyone, see you all tomorrow.”

The bell then rings, the class is over and everyone is all smiles for the day that ends just like any other.

“Nick, Nick, Nick!”

He is snapped out of his deep thoughts and away from his long gaze, when his group of mortal friends, humans called out for his presence.

“Daydreaming again? Are you even listening to our professor?”

“I bet he didn’t even remember a thing that was talked about.”

Two of his male friends’ giggle, teasing him a bit, which doesn’t suit the youngest one and the only female mortal and human among his circle of friends.

“Stop it will you!” she pouted. “We all know that Nick doesn’t
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