

"Nat, run," he whispered and Adom found the young man's eyes were on him.

The girl was trying to pull on him-get him up again, but it was no use. The wound was deep, his spine probably severed. It was a wonder that he was still coherent enough to speak.

She shook her head, her voice catching with tears. "No Win. I can't leave you-"

The girl was so focused on the other Angel that she still hadn't even noticed Adom moving ever closer. A stupid girl that should have perished here today, but had instead lived with the sacrifice of a Angel. Why had this young man entered the battle? Adom saw no regret in the hunter's gaze-no fear or sadness-and that . . . that interested him.

Win was looking at him, but his words were for the girl. "You-You need to run! That's a Devil , Nat- the Devil."

She finally seemed to realize that there was someone close behind her and she whirled around to face him again. He knew the picture he made standing there over her. Demon eyes glowing through the smoke and twisted black metal armor covering much of his body. His crowned helmet sported horns that curled up and back making him appear taller and infinitely more terrifying. He didn't really need armor, but he wore it anyway for occasions such as this. He enjoyed the way her throat bobbed as she tried to swallow past her own fear. She held up her trembling blade against him and his head tilted as he smiled down at her.

"You should listen to him, girl," he said placidly. "Run away-run back to your people."

Spread my tale of fear and confusion into your ranks.

"No!" she said, her voice a bit more firm than he'd have credited her for. It was admirable . . . or perhaps incredibly stupid. He wasn't sure which as of yet. Adom waved a hand in a gesture, pointing towards Win. The girl flinched expecting an attack, and then seemed even more unsure when none was forthcoming.

"That boy is already lost to you," Adom said logically, his voice even. "He can not walk and even now his blood stains the ground." The young man was growing ashen as he steadily lost more blood. Nerves and tissues dying as the seconds ticked by. "He will be dead in moments . . . if I do not heal him."

It was not what he had intended to offer. He'd intended to kill the Angel, but capturing one was just as good, if not a better option.

Win reached out a trembling hand, brushing his fingers against the girl's hand with the last of his strength. "Please, Nat," he whispered, "get back to Oh . . ." Whatever he'd been about to say was lost as the Angel finally lost consciousness.

Nat turned again, showing her back to Adom as she tried to shake the other Angel awake again. "Win? Win!" she called, her voice taking on a higher pitch towards the end. Her anxiety was clearly taking over her good sense. The Angel would be dead soon if not properly cared for.

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