

A vague house was in background. The crickets were chirpping, the birds were twittering and some special type of foams are spreading in the atmosphere by polluting it. 

Lizzy who was sleeping suddenly woke up. But when looked into the surrounding, she understood she was not with Sandy but in a vague, unfamiliar mysterious home. 

ln this unwanted polluted environment she felt suffocated. Also she smelled an unclear lyrical music in the air. Suddenly she heard a call of "mom". She saw her Heaven standing there in a white frock with her innocent smile.

When Lizzy saw her Heaven calling her by stretching her both little hands for a hug, she ran near her.

 When she reached close to her, she saw a large tough male hand with a red stoned ring in middle finger shutting her daughter's mouth and snatching her from her by giving a kick. She heard the roaring of him, 'Oh! my daughter Rose has returned to our world...He-hwee-hee.'

Sandy closed the door and on the way back, he said loudly to Lizzy, "Hey's paper distributor. He came for this month's money.

Hey Lizzy, are you fell in asleep within in this moment?"

By shocking Sandy Lizzy woke up by crying.

"What happened? Why are you crying?", asked Sandy with a shocked expression.

"Babee, l saw a vague dream in which a man with a red stoned ring tried to snatch our little Heaven from me", she said by sobbing.

"Is my wife a broken girl...It's just a dream. Heaven will always be with us as a beautiful flower in our true paradise", said Sandy by holding her white slender hands.

"Yeah, you are correct!!! it's a mere dream. A dream that should never happen.

By the way babe, when we're not in a relationship l always dreamt of you as my partner. But in each dream you subsequently left me on middle.

When l told about this to my mom she said that the dream was indicating that l didn't get a chance to meet, pair with the right person of my life. 

But babe, you came for completing my life. You always supported me and each day you proved that you are my best right choice by opposing that dream", said Lizzy by coming close to him.

Sandy replied, "Babe, thank you...l won't make you regret in your life because of me. l always try to become your Mr.Right, Mr.Perfect etc all in all" and he gave a deep lovely kiss on her forehead.

The calling bell rang again....

"Come on in, the door is not locked its just closed", said Sandy loudly by patting on Lizzy's shoulder.

He then stood up went near the door.

"Sandy, my son...l miss you so much, muaaaahh!!. lt's been so long", a fat old aged woman in a casual dress hugged sandy and said.

Later both of them came inside. When Lizzy saw his mother, in a nervous she stood from her seat with respect and gave a smile to the old lady.

Sandy said by peeping in to Lizzy, "mom l want to introduce you someone very special in my life. This is Lizzy, my wife."

"Hie, it's so nice to finally meet you Bertha", Lizzy said in a pleasant smile.

"Bertha, when l was growing up we always addressed our elders by Mr. or Mrs. Never called them by their first names dear", said Sandy's mom in a disliked expression from where she stood.

"l'm so sorry, l 'm little bit nervous. So it happen", replied Lizzy peacefully in a soft shaky voice.

"So mom, you arrived just in time. Sit in this chair and you also. l will serve food for both of you", he said by extending a chair to his mom.

"Wait, what are you doing? You are setting the table. l never see you doing this woman works before", said his mom while sitting.

"l'm just getting everything ready for you mom", replied Sandy by winking to Lizzy.

"Wow, apparently it has been a long time l don't know who you are anymore since when did you started serving food? Shouldn't she be doing that?", asked mom by looking alternately Sandy and Lizzy.

"Oh! it's not a big deal mom... She was working till now and tired. Am just serving and setting only. All are made by her", Sandy said by trying to protect Lizzy.

By looking Sandy, Lizzy said,"So mrs. Ziaz Sandy has told me a lot about you. lt's so amazing hearing how big of a business you have built."

"Thank you, it's comes from a lots of years hard work. l'm sure about that. What about you where do you work?", asked mrs.Ziaz proudly.

"Oh! well. Actually am not working now. l'm taking some time off for my..." she said innocently.

"You don't work well. l guess that make sense because after all you already have my son doing everything around here for you and why not make him pay for everything too right.

But when he mentioned about you earlier, l at least thought that you as a working woman. Haa, my imaginations are going wrong nowadays", she said by pointing her.

"Mom, you get it all wrong. She is not working now because of us", he again said by on her side.

"Babe, don't argue with mom. l just want to go to washroom. I know you are seeing after many years. Both you can discuss the matters happened in this years until l come", Lizzy said and tried to smile. 

Later she stood from her seat and went to her room. Then cried by sitting on her bed by looking her sleeping little girl.

"Mom, why are talking harshly to her? She is innocent", said Sandy calmly to his mom.

"She obviously has wrapped you around her little finger and you don't even see it. l won't allow this money digger to a part of our family", said his mom in rough tone.

"Mom, what are you saying? l know you are just trying to look out for me okay but you have got it all wrong. l didn't have to do it in this way. 

But here look this. lt will explain everything. 

lt's for you from Lizzy", he explained to his mom and handover the gift to her.

"What is in it?", asked the mom with a awkward look.

"Open it", replied him.

When mom opened the gift, her eyes glittered like a twinkling star and an overjoyed expression flashed through her face.

She exclaimed, "wow!!! am in utmost happy. Now even if I die, it's okay my dear."


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Love Han❤

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