

His gorgeous green eyes gazed at me through shuddered lids before he turned his head to the side to gently plant kisses on each of my thighs, then he blew cool air on my pussy. I was so wet, and I could feel the frantic need for more churning inside me. “Please,” I finally murmured, begging as I turned my head to the side and dug my heels into his back so I could raise my hips to him.

He didn’t make me ask twice. He separated my pussy lips and held it open with his thumbs as he licked and ate me with his tongue. The orgasm raced through me as I rode the waves of ecstasy.

When the convulsions stopped, my body fell limp. I felt giddy and relaxed. He moved up to lie beside me, and I stayed like that for a minute, recovering.

Once my breathing began to return to normal, I realized that I wanted to bring that kind of intense bliss to his body. One quick glance told me that he was still hard. His fabulous dick was jutting out towards me. I wetted my lips, formulating a plan.

Without any war
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