

"Well, I'm glad he was there to save you, or I wouldn't be able to do this." I leaned over to give Devin a sweet, slow kiss. I was trying to think of a way to say that I had almost fucked Devon in a public bathroom, but my mind couldn't focus on anything but Devin when his tongue began swirling around mine.

Devin pulled back and asked, "Do I get to see your bedroom?" I ran for the stairs and giggled as he playfully grabbed my rear end, following close behind me.

We slammed my bedroom door shut and grabbed each other, groping to remove clothes as we fell into my bed. I didn't give Devon another thought. I spent the entire night rolling around naked with Devin's glorious body in a tangled mess of sheets.

I awoke alone and immediately missed the feeling of Devin's warm, bare skin against me. I turned to find a lavender Post-It note on the pillow beside me. It had a giant heart drawn on it and was signed simply, "D,"

He had obviously been in my bathroom and seen my circle of encouraging r
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