
Chapter 101: Safe House


"Come on, Ash," Mason called me so I walk as fast as I can. This place is not what I expected Mason and I would go. We are now in the middle of the forest, walking and running just to get to Freya's safe house. I no longer asked why Freya had a safe house and why it was in the middle of the fucking forest. My heart was beating so fast as I walked, Mason's steps were too fast so there are times that he left me behind and he needs to stop to wait for me. I can't help but be scared of the thought that Ron and Klen might follow us here or that there is a wild animal in here.

"Hurry, we're almost there," Mason said and he suddenly stopped walking, he waited for me to get close to him and he then grabbed my hand before we walked again.

After a few minutes of walking in the middle of the forest, we fina

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