

Bella didn't hear the man asking her. More precisely Stev was accusing her at the moment.

"Saying what?" Bella asked, not understanding. Even who Stev was referring to was still guessing. Perhaps she could guess that Stev was discussing Joseph because he had just pissed Stevens off.

The proud face of the man who was in the same room as her looked very reluctant to mention Joseph's name.

"Liana," he replied simply.

Bella's brows frowned.

"You thought I told Joseph about your little lover?"

Stev looked at her sarcastically.

"Nobody knows about Liana except you," said Stev. His voice sounded very sure that what he was saying was true.

Meanwhile Bella snorted softly. She thought Stev was a smart man who trusted explanation and evidence more than what he saw. While being able to hear, that man would never w

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