


I headed towards the little cafe. I pushed open the door and was hit with the smell of wolves. I made my way to the counter and a little woman smiled sweetly at me before wrinkling her nose and raising her brow at me. "You're not from around here are you, young lad?" She asked, her voice held no conviction she sounded generally curious. I shook my head and smiled. I was almost positive she could see the wound over my eye there was no doubt she could smell the blood.

"I'm looking for a place." She interrupted me by handing me a menu and pointing at a table. "Go sit, have some food on us then continue your journey." She smiled at me. I nodded and went over to the table. I glanced at the menu and tried to pick the cheapest thing I could.

She came over 5 minutes later and placed a hot chocolate in front of me. "I'm Maria, what's your name?" She asked as she sat opposite me. "Caleb," I replied, "Thank you for the drink," I added, holding my hands around the heat. She nodded a
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