
I have a girlfriend now

An extremely rough couple of weeks it has been for Arya.

Ronald was still being nice to her and acting all ignorant about everything that happened between them.

He had went on with his usual big brother's duties to her except less flirtious like he has always done, this time, he totally cared less about other guys hitting on her and making passes, he was totally okay with it.

Arya was cool with every other thing but stopping his usual lips kiss was one thing she couldn't take, not when she was beginning to get used to it, on many occasions she had tried to initiate it, but Ronald would carefully and politely avoid her lips and end up giving her a peck on the cheeks.

"Siblings don't kiss each other on the lips," he would always politely turn her down.

And to finally crown his many tortures, Ronald had returned to being a chronic playboy, Arya hadn't taken time out to acknowledge how extremely faithful and committed he was when they had something going on, it was almost like no other gi
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