
Chapter 0309

Winter was taken aback because she hadn't expected this. She took a step back, wondering if he was going to hurt her for lying to him. She wouldn't put it past him, even though he looked weak from whatever had happened to him.

Liam sighed, closing the distance between them. “Winter, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to know.”

Winter was just about to ask whether Gerald also told him that she'd lost the baby when he suddenly asked, “Is it a boy or a girl?”

She paused. Did that mean Gerald didn't tell him that part?

Slowly, Liam reached out his hand and placed it on her abdomen. ”Tell me. It's a boy, isn't it?”

Winter swallowed. She knew it could be dangerous to lie to him, but at the same time, she'd never seen him with so much tenderness in his eyes before. It showed that he truly wasn't going to hurt her because he thought she was still carrying his child.

“Yes. It's a boy," she said.

She was taken off guard when tears suddenly glistened in Liam's eyes. “I knew it. He's going to be a strong, healthy boy like his father.”

He looked up at her. “It's okay. I don't care about why you hid it from me anymore. All that matters is that you're here and my child is safe.”

Winter stepped away from his hand on her abdomen because she was afraid he would soon figure out that her pregnancy wasn't real.

“Liam, what is all this? You have never behaved like this before.”

“I know I haven't, and I haven't always been fair to you," he said, bringing his free hand up to tuck her hair behind her ear. “But I've thought about a lot of things, and I've realized that you're the only woman who has truly been loyal to me. You could've ratted me out to Gerald Butler years ago, but you never did. You stuck with me even when I wasn't so good to you.”

He stroked her cheek gently. “But now things will change. I want us to be a family; you, me, and our son. I want to take care of him and be the best father he can have. I'm not going to be anything like my father, I promise. My son will only receive love from me.”

Winter stared at him in shock, wondering whether she was dreaming. This wasn't the Liam she knew. It felt like she was looking at a completely different person. Was something wrong with his brain? How could thinking that she was pregnant with his child have changed him so much?

“Aren't you going to say anything? Don't you want to be with me too?” Liam questioned. When she noticed that his smile was beginning to fade, she panicked and quickly spoke.

“No, of course, I want to be with you too. It's just that you caught me by surprise. Wow.”

“Good." He flashed her a smile before he grabbed the back of her head and crashed his lips to hers. “As soon as I'm done taking my revenge on Butler and the bastard who shot me, you and I will move to Italy, and we're going to rule together.”

He suddenly let out a groan as he brought his hand up to hold his shoulder.

“Are you okay?” Winter questioned.

“Yeah, just that my shoulder hurts like a bitch. I think I need to lie down a bit, can you help me?”

Winter nodded and followed him to the bed, helping him sit, and then lie down on his back.

“Come, give me a kiss," Liam commanded.

Closing his eyes, he parted his lips, waiting for Winter to lean down and kiss him, but he let out a startled gasp when something sharp suddenly pierced his chest and went straight into his heart.

His eyes shot open, widening when he realized that Winter had stabbed him in the chest with the knife that had been on the nightstand.

As if that wasn't enough, she twisted the knife, her eyes blazing with rage and tears as she glared down at him.

He could only stare at her in shock as he forced out softly, “Why?”

“Why?” Sasha let out a chuckle, leaning down as she gritted out. “I'm sorry, but I just can't trust all your sweet talk and your sudden change of heart. Years ago, you promised me the world if I helped you with Gerald. And what did I gain in return? Absolutely nothing. You ruined my life as well as the lives of all the rest of the women who are forced to work for you. How the fuck do you even think you deserve happiness? And how do I know how long this act is going to last before you turn back into that abusive monster?”

She twisted the knife even further. “That's why I didn't tell you about my pregnancy. Because I don't want anything to do with you. All I wanted was Gerald because he's a billion times better than you.”

“ could you...” Liam struggled to say, blood spluttering out of his mouth. “ this? I was...willing to the world.”

“What makes you think I want to be part of your world?” She scoffed. “I detest you.”

With that, she forced the knife out of his chest and stabbed it right through his throat. Liam let out a weak groan, his eyes widening impossibly further as his labored breathing filled the room, mixed with the scent of blood.

While he was still taking his last breaths, she leaned down, her lips at his ear. “And I lied. I'm no longer pregnant because I lost the baby I was carrying.”

The sounds of Liam's labored breathing faded until it ceased, and that was when the impact of what she had done truly sunk in on Winter. She shot to her feet, staring at the lifeless body in horror.

She'd allowed herself to be controlled by the resentment and fear that had gripped her. What if Liam had been sincere and would've made her life better?

She wiped a tear from her face. There was no need to cry over spilled milk. Now all she had to do was find a way to escape from this place because Liam's two men who were in the house were sure to kill her when they found out what she had done to their boss.

She began to pace as her mind raced with thoughts. She couldn't escape through the window in the room because it had metal rails, so what was she going to do? Just as she was beginning to panic, she opened the bathroom door and stepped into the bathroom.

Relief surged through her when she saw that the window in the bathroom was made of Louvre blades. With a little effort, she could squeeze herself through the gap after removing the blades. She hoped she would be able to get far away enough before Renzo decided to come and check on Liam.

Before she did that, she pulled her phone out from her panties where she had hidden it and dialed 911.

“This is 911, what's your emergency?”

“I know where you can find Liam Vidal. All you have to do is trace this phone.”

With that, she hung up before walking back into the bedroom, placing the phone beside Liam's lifeless body.

Regret and disgust filled her at the same time as she stared down at him, “I hope you rot in hell, Liam Vidal.”


Who expected that? What did you think of this chapter? Also, I hope you guys understand the error that happened and that I'm forgiven. Thank you all so much for the support!

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