
Chapter 731 Farewell (1)

Xuan Yu Feng was stunned at her words, then solemnly said, "Good, I swear! What you say next, no matter what it is, out of your mouth and into my ears, except for Qiao'er next to you, no fourth person will know!"

"The five thousand elite cavalry that General Huaihua sent this time, not all of them are his beloved ones." Rong Sleeping Crane nodded once and didn't beat around the bush, telling them bluntly, "At least Tai half of them, between General Huaihua's orders and mine, will obey me!"

He narrowed his eyes, "Because the vice general of this army, is Uncle Xu Shi's man."

"Marquis Ning Wei?" Xuan Yu Feng said unexpectedly, "When did you contact him? Why didn't you tell us about it?"

Before she also said that she could ask Xu Zijing for help, to see if Xu Zijing has any method to make their aunt and nephew can leave the Western Frontier peacefully, just Sheng Weiqiao is not very favorable, with Rong Sleeping Crane said once also did not urge to ask.


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