

I looked at my very dear boss looking for a way to calm his anger as I ate my breakfast and felt that this little breakfast can never fill me up and found another reason why I can’t marry this man right here.

He doesn’t know what my diet is and thus, I cannot fall for him.

Cannot fall for him!



As I repeated these words in my head, he finally comes to me looks at me spooning an empty plate and sighs.

For what are you sighing?

Do you know what is happening here?

Do you think this is easy for me here?

Reading all those W*****d books made me almost die out of love and here I am becoming a part of one.

Do you know what tough situation––

He brought me another bowl and replaced my empty one with a full one.

Now, now, what should I do?

He is rich, he has a big family, he is young, he isn’t gay and can’t become one.

But hey, what if he’s a gay?

That would be so cool, no?

I mean if he’s a bottom, who would be the top?

That’s a question very worthy of attention…

That would be so cute, no?

Suddenly, rather than falling for him, I wanted to think of him as a gay. I always wanted a close gay friend.

In all honesty, my fujoshi side made a lot of scenes that blinded my eyes to the guy who finally had his meal, and I ate not noticing how a little bit of my nice and warm breakfast smudged my dress and he suddenly handed me a tissue which I didn’t knew was for what.

As I made eyes to ask what, he too pointed at the top and I finally cleaned it up remembering what I was lost in and then, remembering why I was lost in it.

Suddenly, watching his face became epically difficult for me.

As soon as I finished my breakfast a person delivered my clothes that Alexander ordered for me and me finally, from my messy-self became a lot more normal and to be honest, I looked clean and cool in the clothes he ordered for me.

“What happened?” my dear boss seems pretty free for he took some seconds to notice me and even stare at my face to really ask this question.

“What, what? Nothing.” I smiled at him and was moving out of the door when the door shut with a warm body behind me and I was Kabedon’d again for once in my life, I wasn’t thinking about how cool this is but rather, why do I feel bad about my fantasies getting broken suddenly.

“You were staring at me with weird eyes before and now, you are staring again but with sad eyes. What’s up? What’s going on in your head?” he asked and even leaned his head closer to mine.

“You know, this kind of situation calls for a sentence short formed NOYB or None of your business.” I said and pushed him a little away to open the door.

He moved away a little as we both saw his parents and even his father this time around.

As soon as Victoria came, with honest surprise, I was about to greet them when she suddenly hit Alexander’s head and said, “Apologize to Amy!”

With very honest shock and doubt, he even though wanted to ask why but Victoria spoke faster than ever in some other language and his face turned shades.

From normal to red, to white, and to red again.

That’s anger.

He held my hand and said “we were together last night; she was drunk, and I brought her home, but we were together the whole night. And we already got the photos and I also already told of this matter to Uncle Zeff, and he has finally decided to leave her.”

Alexander was patted at his shoulder by his father who smiled at me and even greeted me with a hug after they realized no breakup happened.

“You should make arrangements with a lawyer as well, it will be great if she doesn’t trouble you anymore, she is being a nuisance right now.” His father said to him, and they both discussed this topic while Victoria brought me to a different room and then she spoke all she knows about Misses Golddiggers.

She is actually the woman who broke a family and married a man acting all pregnant but then lost the baby and got the family thrown out of the house.

The family was of another woman who did the same thing as her.

The real wife already took the divorce from the old man when he went around whoring.

Surprisingly, this was the only thing I found dramatic in the whole rich family. Where is the Crazy Rich Asians and in this case, Italians are?

Let’s move on…

“You just believe in my boy; he was the most innocent and the cutest kid out of all the kids in the famiglia.” Victoria said as her Italian accent leaked a little, but she maintained the grace she always had.

“I believe in him. I mean, I am still here, right?” I said and Victoria let out a breath she was holding and said “Right.”

She nodded at me and left me alone in the room while I closed my eyes for a few seconds and smiled at the ceiling.

If he was that innocent, why will he find just me to do the bidding of being his fake fiancée?

Suddenly, a very commonly heard ringtone played on my phone, and I picked it to answer my ex-boyfriend.

“Hey Amelia, long time no see, I actually called to invite you to my exhibition, do come, okay? I’ll send the address, bye.” He didn’t even listen to my side at all.

Well, my boss is at least better than this.

Forget I ever said that.

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