
Chapter 42

She made a sudden turn to the left, heading in the direction of their parked automobile. If Randy were to follow her, then there would be no need to sacrifice anyone else.

She jolted herself awake by reminding herself that she had a gun in the car. Now she had to concentrate on running in order to reach shelter quickly enough to make advantage of it.

She ran faster and harder as the car came into view, despite the stinging sensation she was experiencing in her legs. She was also fighting against the force of the wind.

It was possible for her to utilize the vehicle as a shield before drawing her weapon on the attacker. It was a mistake on Jerome's part to question her willingness to fire. She could fire her weapon, and she'd still live.

As she got closer to the vehicle, she looked back and was surprised to see that Jerome was following closely behind. He lunged at her, grabbed her arm, and dragged her to a crouching position behind the driver's door, where she was hidden from view.

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