
He made up his mind

"Wow! You're so good at this and you have a great body too." Maria's dance partner complimented her much to the displeasure of Julia and Natalia.

"Oh no! Don't flatter me." Maria rolled her eyes.

"But it's true. Don't you think so Li-lah?"

Li-lah said nothing. She only gave a small smile.

"Given her talent, I think she should come to club titans." He spoke further.

Li-lah shook her head. "I don't think she would want to come." she said.

"What's club titan?" Natalia asked.

"it's a club specifically for bachata dancers." Li-lah explained.

"That's actually a pretty good idea. She should come." Natalia added.

"You guys should come too." Julia said referring to all their male partners.

"Do you want to come?" Li-lah asked. "I'll book a VIP spot for us."

"erm, I don't know if....

" Come on, it'll be fun. Let's go in the day of your wedding anniversary. Take it as a special gift from me to you. " Li-lah said, sounding coy.

Everyone concurred to the plan and thought it was a great idea.
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