
Start the Paperwork


Harvey chuckled. “I bet it is. How about your son? Is he liking his new school?”

“He is. He loves school and Miss June.”

Harvey smiled. “I bet he does. She’s a good teacher.”

The small talk was over. “I need to talk to you about the stipulations for the inheritance,” I started.

I had mulled over what to do and how to best approach the matter. I didn’t want to sound like a money-hungry asshole, but I needed to know what my options were. If I walked away from the money, I wanted to know where it went—assuming I had the right to know. I needed to know what happened to the farm as well. I wanted to keep it, but the rational part of me knew that wasn’t logical. To pay someone to keep up the farm would cancel out any profit generated from the wheat harvest.

“As in?” he asked.

“You said I needed to live on the farm for six months in order to inherit,” I told him.

He nodded his head. “Yes, that’s right.”

“What if I don’t?” I asked.

He leaned back in his chair. “Your grandfather wasn’t
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