
Visiting Wayne


We ordered burgers and fries to go. All of us were more interested in getting to our destination than hanging out in a restaurant. I took over the driving, following the GPS and settling in for the ride.

“Your turn,” Oliver said to Alex as he handed his tablet forward.

I couldn’t stop smiling as I watched the two of them. She was playing one of his favorite puzzle games. He was so comfortable with her. I could see the admiration in his eyes when he looked at her. She was damn near perfect for us. Perfect would have been boring and too easy. I was glad there was a challenge. It would keep things interesting.

It was just after four o’clock when we pulled onto the road that Alex said was actually Wayne’s driveway. “This is an impressive spread,” I said, my eyes taking in the huge farm.

“I told you. That’s why it took me a while. This farm is no joke.”

I brought the SUV to a stop, each of us getting out and stretching. I could smell barbecue in the air.

“Where are we?” Oliver asked
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