
Bab 87. The Glowing Cave

Aiden led Nathania on a different path than they were used to. Along the way, Aiden said nothing and told them where they were going.

All around her, Nathania saw thousands of fireflies flying, making this forest even brighter. Come to think of it, Nathania just realized that every time she was with Aiden, the situation around her became clear. It's different if she walk in the forest alone, it feels like Aiden is in control of this forest.

They arrived at the door of a very large cave, it made Nathania afraid because in her life, she had never been into the cave.

"We ... we're going to the cave?" asked Nathania with a trembling body looking at the dark mouth of the cave, as if there was a terrible monster in it. She even forgot that this young man who was holding her hand was the king of all monsters.

"Come on!" Aiden grabbed Nathania's hand to keep following him.

"Bu ... but ..."

"It's okay! I'm with you!" whether he realized it or not, what he

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