
8. An Unexpected Proposal.

Lily's POV:

What the heck was I thinking going back to that stupid Blake expecting a different reaction from his womanizing ass?

I sniffed while rubbing off some tears away from my face and the train screeched to a halt at the station, its doors opening with a hiss. I dragged myself out onto the platform, my heart heavy with a burden too painful to bear.

I hate him, I hate him! My heart clenched with anger I never thought I would feel for a fellow human being.

I exhaled slowly, looking at the full moon that hung high in the sky, casting an ethereal glow on the deserted streets of my hometown.

Oh god, what am I going to do now? I trudged towards the exit with my huge belly, tears streaming down my cheeks on their own, as I regretted every moment I had spent with that jackass because all he did was ruin my life plans and shatter all my dreams of becoming independent from my Dad...

"Ahh," I huffed and puffed as never had I ever felt this disappointment in my entire existence, and now I didn't know how to move past this phase in my life… my shoulders slumped as the weight of Blake's betrayal was becoming unbearable, for me to handle.

I let out an exasperated sigh, my mind still going back to the moment he touched my hand to try and stop me when clearly he didn't give a hoot about me.

Oh god, end my miserable life already, I took short breaths in and out, and that's when my vision blurred even though I had my glasses on, I knew I had to take a seat and cool down.

I looked around and saw an empty bench a few meters away, I made my way there and sat on it, trying so hard to calm my breathing…

I'm such a fool! I pinched my legs repeatedly hoping I would feel anything else apart from anger and heartache.

This was it. The tragic end of my pathetic life…my palms felt clammy.

Oh, I cursed the day I met you, Blake Smith, I clenched my jaws while my heart constricted with burning rage.

Like what did the women he went for have that I didn't have? I scanned myself from chest to toe, I felt fat and ugly I crinkled my nose as my lips curled up.

I'm ugly! I looked down at myself as I felt nothing but displeasure in how I looked…

Suddenly like my raging mixed emotions that swelled within me, I suddenly couldn't bear the thought of raising my children alone because I knew how it felt growing up with a single parent who was married yet gave me zero attention.

Oh crap, I'm going to be a single, miserable parent and my kids will grow up lonely without a male figure in their life.

My breathing increased as the mere idea of them going through something like my upbringing disappointed and crushed my spirit. Hence, with a heavy heart, I made the decision to go ask my father if would help raise my children as his own and not as a grandfather.

Yes, I will do that! I stood up at full height, ready to walk back to my miserable life when a manly, yet familiar voice called to me.

"Lily Conner? class of 2012?"

I whipped around only to find my old high school sweetheart Brian Duncan standing tall with his chest puffed and handsome face looking at me with eyes wide open.

Brian? I gasped as I attempted to wipe away my tears, feigning strength I did not possess.

"Hey Brian," I stuttered nervously while my heart skipped a beat. He hurried towards me, his footsteps echoing in the silent night.

Brian approached me, his comforting presence wrapping around me like a warm embrace. "Lily Conner? What are you doing out here at this odd hour?" he asked softly, his concern evident in his voice.

"I just got off the train, what are you doing here?" I let out a tight-lipped smile while I avoided eye contact because I felt embarrassed by my predicament as I stood before a guy who I remember loved and cherished me like a goddess but ended up being knocked up by a stranger out of a one-night stand!

"Oh, I just came to see how the old lady is doing back home," he smiled, playfully touching my shoulder, I felt my cheeks flush.

"Oh, that's nice of you to come see your mother, "I blinked rapidly.

"Are you by any chance heading home now?" He asked, still not mentioning anything about my pregnancy, I began to feel relaxed with his presence.

"Yes, "I replied.

"Oh, okay. Then let's use my Uber," he gestured towards a car that was waiting outside.

"Ya, sure,"

And together, we made our way back home in a silent awkward short ride...

Okay so let me tell you a little about Brian Duncan, my high school sweetheart… he was 6 feet tall, had beautiful hazel eyes, blonde medium wavey hair, broad and amazing shoulders, and sexy lips yet an annoying personality because he was simply full of himself… sort of like Blake but with less money.

"oh Lily, you look great and I would love us to catch up before I leave for the city," Brian placed a hand on my shoulder and gently squeezed as the car came to a stop. My body hitched while my heartbeat thumped wildly.

"Umh," I nodded weakly. "See you around," I immediately got out of the Uber as I avoided the awkwardness we had shared on our way home.

"I will call your home phone," he yelled while the Uber drove away and then I sighed a sigh of relief…

Oh thank God he didn't poke his nose in my personal business.

I walked towards my father's house and noticed all the lights were off except the one in the living room, I immediately felt a cold shiver run down my spine because I dreaded running into Diana at this awkward time

I opened the door and it creaked open to reveal my father, waiting anxiously in the dimly lit living room in his wheelchair.

Oh crap! My puffy, tear-stained eyes were impossible to hide from him.

"Dad, what are you still doing up this late?" I avoided eye contact with him as I took secret glances at him.

My father studied me intently, his gaze filled with paternal concern. "How did your job hunting go, Lily?" he inquired, hoping to understand the cause of my late coming.

I averted his gaze, the weight of my lies pressing down upon me. "It was fine, Dad," I whispered, knowing deep inside that my father saw through my feeble attempt to conceal my pain.

"Is that so…" he raised his brow at me, I let out a tight-lipped smile.

"Yes Dad, now can I be excused because I'm tired and want to get some rest," I faked a yawn.

With a gentle nod, my father decided not to press further, "Okay cupcake, you may be excused,"

"Goodnight," I swiftly excused myself and retreated to the solitude of my room, seeking refuge from the overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume me…

What a day!


In the following days after the 'Blake incident', Brian became a constant presence of mine, offering unwavering support during the fragile journey I had so willingly shared with him because he wasn't the womanizing jackass I used to know…

The new and improved Brian was sweet, kind, and thoughtful, he willingly accompanied me on several visits to my antenatal visits whenever he was back in town.

Hence together, we formed an unspoken bond, understanding each other without the need for words. Brian's genuine care and quiet strength slowly mended the shattered fragments of my heart, reminding me that love could exist even in the midst of heartbreak. Especially one from that douchebag calling himself Blake Smith…


"Argh," I winced painfully, on one fateful day in the last month of my pregnancy, my body began wracking with intense pain like never before.

"Push, Lily," one of the nurses instructed and I pushed with my might while I wailed like never before, and within hours of the most antagonizing pain I had ever felt in my life, I brought two precious lives into the world at my local hospital.

"Hey my lovelies, I'm your mom," I cradled my newborn twins in my arms, a cute boy and a pretty girl... Even though I had a difficult delivery, I had carried my babies to full term hence the babies were deemed healthy and strong.

They both cooed innocently when suddenly I noticed a crescent moon-like birthmark adorning each of their necks. It was a beautiful symbol, yet nothing like I had ever seen in my life.

"You did good cupcake," Dad's voice boomed from the video call Brian had him on, and I smiled.

"Thank you dad, I will see you in a bit," I bid him farewell through tear-filled eyes, I looked at Brian, who stood by my side, smiling with overwhelming joy. He ended the video call on his phone and tucked it in his pocket in his trousers.

"They are beautiful Lily, congratulations," he said and I smiled knowing I had a good friend in him.

"Thank you, Brian," I responded and looked back to my beautiful babies, whom I had yet to pick names for.

"Ahem, Lily, I have something to ask of you seeing that you and the babies are both here with us" Brian began and I frowned slightly as our gaze met

"What is it, Brian?"

"Well, you obviously know that I have never stopped loving you since high school and I don't see any better time than this… will you marry me?" He knelt on one knee, took out a tiny black velvet ring box from his pants, and revealed a beautiful pink studded engagement ring to me.

My mouth opened wide with shock as my breath got caught.

An engagement!!! My breathing increased while I looked into his sincere eyes.

"Brian, don't you think you might be rushing things too fast?" I asked.

"No, I'm not… I just don't want to make the same mistake I made 5 years ago," he said firmly, and my heart skipped a beat.

Yeah, I knew Brain for the longest I could remember but marriage with him and just after I had my twins was something way out of my future plans.

I swallowed nervously and forced a smile before I could respond to him.

"Umh actually, I…"

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