
Chapter 4

  Both moses and Lydia  turned to look at tanya in shock. "Who said anything about losing the house? We were just talking about a game. Come on dear, don't  think too much about it." Lydia said.

  "Do you take me for a fool? You expect me to believe that, will you tell me yourself or would you rather let me find out myself?" Tanya asked.

   Moses turned to look at Lydia, seemingly at lost at what to do. "Umm, tanya,it's really nothing. We were just talking about some irrelevant things."moses said.

  "And was I talking to you? Science has it that people who face their business tend to live longer." Tanya retorted.

  Moses was used to tanya shutting him up, but it still hurt him whenever tanya did it.

    Lydia knew she had to interfere, or else, the father and daughter duo would start fighting again. 

  "Tanya dear, the thing is, well, ummm, w...." 

 "Will you just spill it out and stop stammering." Tanya shouted as she got frustrated with Lydia's stammering. 

   "Okay, I'll just summarize it all. The time you were kidnapped, the kidnappers asked for a ransom of ten billion dollars. Your father took out all his savings, sold his properties and cars, and even went as far as taking a loan and used the company as a collateral just to get the ten billion dollars. 

     Now, the bank is pressuring him to pay the money back with a fifty percent interest, failure to do that, the company would be seized. Even the house would be taken." Lydia explained. 

    Tanya was silent for five seconds, ten, twenty, one minute, then suddenly, she burst out laughing. "Do you expect me to believe that? You expect me to believe this man would go as far as doing all what you said just to save me? In your wildest dreams." Tanya said.

    Moses felt his heartbeat stop as he had the words tanya said. His heart clenched in pain. He knew his daughter hated him a lot, to the point she didn't even want to see his face. 

  "Tanya, don't say that about your father. He loves you a lot. And all I said earlier is real, we are about to go bankrupt. The only thing that can save us now is to have the devil invest in our company, or else we will all be doomed." Lydia said.

    Tanya seemed to contemplate what Lydia said, "Hmm, so, who's the devil?"  

    "Dear tanya, you are asking who the devil is so casually?" Lydia asked.

 "Hmm, yes, no matter who he is, he can't actually be a devil, right?  Tanya asked back as she didn't know why Lydia was acting that way about the devil.

   "The devil, a man who came from the deepest part of hell, a man whose face as beautiful as that of adonis, his body cannot be more perfect, his voice as deep and enticing as an angels voice, but personality like the devil. His smile can freeze one's heart and may even cause the person to die. It is rumoured that those who had seen that sinister smile either had fallen into a tragic trauma or better still died tragically.  The devil is no other than Alexander quinn.


  Coincidentally, a man stood under the setting sun, his hands covered in human blood, and his clothes were dripping blood. His pitch black hair fell on his face, and his eyes stared at the lifeless body lying in the ground. Soon, he looked up at the setting sun.

  Though those eyes looked alluring and seductive, no one could stare at those eyes directly for more than two seconds. 

    "Master, about the Williams family matter, they requested a meeting with you tomorrow afternoon, and they are not only coming alone. They are coming with their blind daughter. Should I refuse their request?" Josh, the devil's assistant, the only assistant to have stayed alive and not only stayed alive but have also stayed by the master side for more than eight years asked.

   Alexander, who still had gaze on the sun, suddenly smirked. "Hmm,  why refuse their request? It seems they are bringing their blind daughter as an exchange for saving their company.  Accept their proposal. Tomorrow's gonna be fun." 

    Hearing his master, josh felt something special was going to happen tomorrow since his master's definition of fun is not actually the literal meaning.


     Back at the Williams House. "How about I follow you both to the company tomorrow and try to convince the so-called devil." Tanya suggested.

   "No! No!! No!!! You can't go with us. The devil is actually very cunning, and I don't want to risk putting you in danger." Moses refused adamantly. 

   "Oh please, I wasn't asking for your permission or opinion." Tanya said.

  "Tanya, you can't go to the company. Who knows what the devil would do when he sees you?" Lydia said, trying to discourage Tanya.

   "Who cares? It's not as if he'll eat me when he sees me, I'm going whether you like it or not." With that, tanya turned around and left for her room.

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