
Ice king

"Sigh Dilan"

"You almost endangered your life because of a girl"

"I didn't get to see her face well though"

"When you gonna introduce me to her" he kept on blabbing.

Dilan glared at nix his face darkened. Nix felt cold chills down his spine.

"'s r...I...ght" the driver added

"You shouldn't... had..risked....."

Dilan glared at him and calmed down.

"Take me to the hospital then"

"Just that!!" nix popped out


"Please take us home we need to talk"

The car came to a halt

"Why did u stop?" nix asked

"I...i...." nix saw that Dilan...

"Fine just step outside I need to talk with Dilan alone"

"Ok" and the man went outside

"Dilan! Snap out of that phone!"

"What is it nix!" he asked coldly

"What's your problem?!"


"I'll get the doctor to check you up at home"

"But I still don't get why you would do that for a mere girl"


"Or do you love
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