
Chapter 53

Plumes of smoke enfolded the sky as the dire fumes sent everyone into a coughing frenzy, but he remained still. Watching the house that held countless and irreplaceable memories for him as it became torched down to the ground from the ablaze of fire flames, should have pulled a gravitating reaction from him, yet he remained still. It was a wonder why the abiding surburban homes were left untouched, but it had to be accepted the old English Victorian esq house was long gone, despite the numerous fire fighters' efforts of trying to put down the fire. The flames only grew gigantic and monstrous. Of course, they would make sure that it was unrestorable. Convinced that there was a lack of he could do, he retracted from the background as he got back to his vehicle before his driver veered away from the scene. There was only one answer; HIM!


The paddle of my steps was the only sound to grace the ears as I heeled and toed my way towards the main show room.
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