
Can't believe they left me out?

“Count me in on anything you need, on or off the record.” Tyrell whispered into Ed’s ears before walking back to his seat. Tyrell and Ed were similar in their views. They were comrades in arms before Tyrell moved into the diplomatic arena while Ed stayed in military intelligence.

Mathews pretended not to see their interaction.

Archer and Nobel walked in with the unconscious Jack and handcuffed him onto the stand.

“Dr Roberts, he is all yours!” Ed made an inviting gesture to Ian.

Ian walked over and inspected Jack before exclaiming “Oldest trick in the book these days!”

“Which is?” Sam prompted.

“Skin mask.” Ian traced the joint at the neck and peeled the mask to reveal David Bosner’s face underneath the mask.

“Shall I give him the antidote?” Ian asked looking around the room.

“What for?” Sam grunted. “We can’t possibly in

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