
Did you offend Mr Adalase?

Dana closed her eyes and leaned into Ben’s embrace in relief as the officers left. Ben smiled as he hugged her comfortingly.

Ed and team walked with a smirk.

Lara pointed at Ben and Dana and pouted. Her meaning was obvious.

“Yes, my girl did brilliantly. She deserves a hug.” Ed smiled as he hugged her.

Dana came to her senses and struggled out of Ben’s embrace and sat up straight. Ben looked at his empty hands and narrowed his eyes at Ed.

Ed was blissfully hugging Lara oblivious to the misfortune he caused his best mate.

“What door were you referring to?” Shadow asked curiously once they settled down.

“The one that Dolce escaped through.” Dana shrugged and then asked curiously “How did you know?”

Shadow smiled and pointed at a small dot on the door. He had sneakily stuck a micro camera on the door on his way out.

“Should we explore?” Shadow looked at Ben.

“No need. He will be long gone.” Dana answered without thinking and added “The only reason I bought it up was I wanted those office
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