
153 - The Older the Ginger, the Spicier It Gets

153 - The Older the Ginger, the Spicier It Gets

“What do you mean my sincerity is not enough, Princess Zhi?” Tong Fu said with a bland tone. 

“Wanting to steal a chicken, but instead losing the bait (1). You expect us to let you go by handing us the bait? What of your apology?”

The Leaf City’s City Lord looked expressionless on the surface, but anyone could guess how humiliated he must be feeling. He was a man of high prestige, yet someone younger–and a woman at that–blatantly insulted him. He was a man with a temper, and many of those in the crowd were aware of this. The top echelon of Leaf City knew that Tong Fu was an old-fashioned man, and although he was not a corrupt official, he was someone petty who valued his reputation greatly. 

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