

Olivia's Pov

Lightning cracked the sky sending heaven's light through the storms. The roofs of the cars danced with spray. It sounded like the buzzing of angry bees.

I was waiting, waiting for him to take me with him but he didn't move. He stood there in front of me the rain kept on pouring as if someone as opened the taps and forgotten to turn them off.

My eyes stared at him with nothingness because at that time I felt nothing, I felt I was shallow from the inside.

And he inched closer to me, the distance between us gone, "You know what you are asking me?" He wanted a confirmation, confirmation that I wanted him to take me wheresoever he wants to.

And for fucks sake I had no doubts at that moment because I very well knew what I was doing, "I do,"

And he knew when I say it, I meant it. His eyes met mine and at that moment a lot changed between us.

His lips were so close to me as if they were ready to kiss me, the rain making them look sexier and I fucking knew how much I wanted to
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