

Chapter: 20


Detective Logan gripped the steering wheel tightly as he maneuvered through the labyrinthine maze of city streets, his mind focused on the task ahead. Christopher, his keen-eyed partner, sat beside him, his expression mirroring the gravity of the situation. They were en route to the park where the young girl had gone missing, hoping to find any clue that could lead them to her.

The park, typically a bustling hub of laughter and joy, now emanated an eerie stillness. As they parked the car near a cluster of worried parents, Logan took a deep breath to steady himself. He knew that unraveling the mystery behind this young girl's disappearance would require both his intelligence and intuition to be at their sharpest.

Approaching the parents, Logan's heart went out to them. They were overwhelmed with anxiety, their eyes weary from crying so much. The mother, Kathleen, clutched a photograph of her daughter tightly, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"I'm Detective
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