
Chapter 135: Parent Teacher Conference

That depends. Which dad are you going to call? – Camden

Miss Jackson sat in her colorful kindergarten class at the only adult sized desk. At the knock on the door, she looked up to see a man who had tattoos on almost every visible inch of skin. The twins both looked up and smiled.

“Boys.” Ink said and they both turned back to their coloring. “Miss Jackson.”

“Mr. Reagan?” she asked standing up and offering a hand.

“One of them.” He confirmed accepting her hand. “I’m Ink, Tank and our wife are on their way.”

A look of confusion crossed the teachers face as another biker entered the room. Both boys looked up and at the cocked eyebrow, they slumped down in their chairs.

“Miss Jackson, I’m Tank.” The larger man said offering her a hand.

“Where’s Evie?” Ink asked.

“I’m here.” Evie said walking in with a very upset two-year old Monica. The tiny brunette reached for her dads. Tank was the first one to take her and she settled against his chest and began to suck her thumb.

“Sorry, she has
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