
Chapter 148: No Reading

Yeh canna read yer own future or yer own palm. Or one tied to yeh. It’s jes the way it is. – Grams to Nessie

A week after the wedding, Toad went to the food bank and drug his wife into her office. The angry look on his face kept her employees and volunteers from stopping him.

No matter how angry he got, he would never hurt her. Her regulars knew this and settled down the new volunteers. Especially after the door slammed so hard that it echoed through out the warehouse.

“The feck is yer problem?” Siobhan demanded as soon as they were in her office.

“I told him to stay away from her!” he bellowed.

“Oh.” She said sitting down behind her desk as he fumed. “He tell you about the kiss?”

“He kissed her?” he yelled in surprise.

“I think it was mutual. What has you so upset?”

“Nessie is avoiding Knuckles and he doesn’t seem to get the clue to back to the fuck off.”

“Sit.” She ordered and he glared at her. “My office. You do as I say.”

Grumbling under his breath he sat in the chair as she go
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