
Chapter 160: Blathering Fool

Grams, how do I bind the tongue of a ghost? Yes, I already asked Moira. She said that you can’t. – Nessie

The Fool, as Nessie had taken to calling the ghost in the bar, had become more and more vocal ever since Tank had announced that they were having babies. He became so annoying that Nessie began avoiding the front half of the clubhouse. She even skipped girls’ night.

Then she started using the freight elevator as another way to avoid that area. He continued to get louder and soon she could hear him in her office.

Church was over and the movie was nearly over. Even in her office, Nessie knew that Tank was in the bar. She felt the presence just before he told her how to silence the fool.

She was ready to cast him out. And she knew that she had to do something before he became strong enough to hurt the babies. His anger was strong enough that he would.

Dropping her pencil on the desk, she stood up and stormed down the hall. The angry look and way she carried h
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