
Love bugs

Jeremy's POV

“We have a problem.”

“I heard. Have you informed her family?”

“I haven't.”


“Shouldn’t we share what we know?”

“Don't be stupid boy, telling them would only start a war. A war the bratva cannot afford.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Find out how close they are to knowing the girl's whereabouts while I use my resources to find the girl.”

“What about Pup?”

“Leave him, I'll deal with him myself.”

Not if I get to him first.

“Okay, Father.”

My father ends the call and I turn to Malakai and Junnev who are looking too comfortable with their laptops —Kai— and my gamepad—Nevy— when things are going to shits and pieces.

“Kai, I need a lockdown on Pup’s location.”

“Already on it.”

“Nev,” I call his attention.

“What'd you need?” He answers with both eyes stuck on the football game.

“I need you to tell me the truth.”

He pauses the game and drops the gamepad, “What truth?”

“You hooking up with Blondie?”

He relaxes on the seat and grabs the gamepad, “No.”

Yemerej ongh

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