


I can't see it very well when the sun comes up, the eyes swollen from the blows adding to the throbbing head, at least the blood has stopped flowing.

Tip's face isn't much better than mine, from the movement it looks like the men are about to change shifts.

I hear the sound of the car outside, I take a deep breath, drawing in the air with some difficulty and I must have some ribs dislocated. I don't care to raise my head to see who enters the shed, I just wanted to know if my little beast is all right.

The sound of footsteps warns of the approach, when I make an effort to open my left eye which is better, the Italian shoes shining, I wish I had something in my stomach so I could throw up on that shitty starch.

He pulls my head up by my hair smiling, I make an effort to maintain a detached posture, the asshole looks very happy.

— Did you know you weren't capable of doing something alone but under the command of that little bitch Stefano? - The taste of blood filled my mouth.

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