
140. Why not?

***WARNING*** Sexy Times

Aubrianne Ivanov

Aubrianne and Daniel kissed passionately for about ten more minutes. Daniel's hands had moved from her a$$ to cup her bust, but it was over her clothing. He palmed and gently tugged her nipple, covered by a vest and the thick fabric of her hoodie.

Yet Aubrianne felt a sweet sensation, she abruptly broke the kiss, and with their foreheads touching, they took time to catch their breath.

She stared into Daniel's eyes and thought for the last time that night, 'Why not?'

Unable to find an answer, Aubrianne got off Daniel's lap, took his hand, and pulled him gently. He moved at her action and stood, looking down at her with slight confusion that graced his features.

"What are y..." Daniel was cut off, "Shhhhhh," Aubrianne tip-toed and touched his lips with the tip of two fingers.

Aubrianne slowly lifted his hands as high as she could, directing them over his head. She stared into his eyes as determination blazed in hers. And Daniel stared int
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