
Chapter 22

Instantly, Ava moved her gaze to the lady next to him. Sitting elegantly beside her dashing fiancé, Lady Selene Wyndham was an epitome of beauty and grace. Ava had never seen anything quite like her. She was... perfection. The lady had a classic beauty of an aristocratic woman. She had a heart-shaped face with a pair of almond-shaped eyes, with thick and long lashes framed her sapphire blue orbs. Her straight and narrow nose pointed high, Ava imagined a little bird could perch on it, and her thin lips were taut, seemed like she was not into humor and hilarity. Her hair was a blonde color in the lightest shade that her pale forehead seemed to merge with her hairline. She wore sapphires in her hair and neck, matching her eyes and her light blue gown in an understated elegance.

The following barouche brought Princess Charlotte and Lord Wyndham, and the last one brought Lord Carlton and Lady Cecily. Ava didn't saw Magnus there. Apparently he didn't join the parade. His parents were a beautiful and elegant pair. Ava recognized a significant resemblance to Magnus in his father's face, but his father's eyes were cold and calculating just like the duke, and his expression held no sign of humor. His wife was no different, she held her chin up and lowered her lashes, gazing into the distance as if the crowd wasn't worth the least bit of her attention. Ava could not imagine the way they would have looked at her if Magnus ever introduced her to them.

Another formation of guards in uniform following behind the barouches in the same numbers like the first one. The crowd hailed the noble family in great excitement.

"Blessings on the fair ruler!"

"God bless the betrothal!"

The duke turned to the crowd and waved a hand to greet his people. His lady followed him, waving gracefully like a queen. None of them smiling, yet they still charmed the people exceedingly. The couple looked fantastic and equally fit to each other.

A strange, incomprehensible feeling overwhelmed her. Everybody was happy for the couple, but she wasn't. She couldn't deny they were a perfect match. Despite her dislike of the duke, she couldn't agree more. But something felt wrong, misplaced. She couldn't explain what, she didn't understand either.

Of course she didn't feel happy for the duke. He was the man responsible for her despair, the man who had turned her world upside down in the twinkling of an eye. He was the reason she drowned into sorrow and devastation for months, even now she felt nothing but emptiness. From the very first time, he had been cruel to her. He looked at her like she was some dirt on his shoes. He intimidated, insulted and threatened her, using her weaknesses to suppress her. She recalled all the painful experiences and looked at him once again.

It surprised her that she didn't feel a burst of hate shot through her. She should hate him as hell, she got all the reason. But somehow, she didn't hate him. She just couldn't. She didn't know why. Perhaps the story of his tragic past had tugged at her heartstring.

At the moment, as if he might hear her thought, the duke turned his head in her direction and spotted her rightaway. His eyes caught hers and lingered a little longer that he turned his head back slightly for a while as the barouche moved forward, leaving her behind.

She caught her breath. He saw her! No, he looked right into her eyes. She couldn't blink as his gaze locked with hers.

"The duke just looked at us here!" A woman near her exclaimed cheerfully. Was it real? Or was it her imagining that he was looking at her only? Perhaps he was just scanning the crowd.

No. He looked at me straight in the eye and he even turned himself backward as the barouche leaving. He didn't just look around intentionally. He looked at me.

Don't be ridiculous. You think he was deliberately searching for you among the crowd? For what reason? It was totally nonsense.

"Oooh, they are the most beautiful couple ever!" Fortunately the women's rattling distracted her from the inner conflict. The whole parade had slowly disappeared from the sight.

"I can't wait to see the wedding. I heard it would be held a couple of months later in the St. George Cathedral Church in London. His Majesty and the Queen herself shall attend."

Lady Byrne tried to keep her flaunting as subtle as possible, yet she determined to make sure everybody knew she was on the list of the invitees. The A-list precisely.

"I should see my dressmaker immediately, my gown is supposed to be grande, it's for the duke's wedding!"

"The wedding will never be held." A sharp voice startled the crowd. All heads turned to Nora, the Gypsy woman. She strained her eyes and shook her head.

"They are not meant to be. The duke will get married before long, but not to the lady he has just engaged with."

For an unfathomable reason, Ava felt a shiver crept along her nape.

"Oh God!" Lady Byrne placed her hand on her chest. "It's too bad... why? The lady will be perfect for him."

Nora's eyes shining with a gleam Ava saw before when the woman was revealing her past.

"The woman belongs to him is a vibrant spirit, a truly brave one, and Lady Selene is clearly not the fiery, passionate soul in my vision."

She continued as the crowd went silent, spellbound by her words. Ava caught her breath, and cursed herself for doing so. Whoever the duke was going to marry had nothing to do with her. But why she was waiting for the next words in wild anticipation?

"He has the kind of fate of his father. He will be loved powerfully, thoroughly, unconditionally. The woman's love is pure, ever so sincere nothing comes close to it. Beneath the delicate facade, a truly warrior soul. She will sacrifice her life to keep him from harm. She will fight legions of army to protect him. She will shed the last drop of her blood to save him with no regret, not expecting he will love her in return."

Women sighed in unison over her hyperbolic prophecy. Polly rolled her eyes and grimaced in wry amusement. The crowd started muttering noisily.

"But will he ever love her back?"

A woman asked hopefully.

"There's little chance." Nora answered after a moment's contemplating.

"He is a tortured soul, broken to the very core. His heart has long frosted over. It's a miracle if he will ever be able to love again."


"Such a beautiful country" Lady Selene Wyndham said as they left the crowd at the townsquare, heading to Vermont Manor. "I think I may very well like it. I could enjoy myself living in here."

"I'm glad you like this place, my lady" Ashton replied politely. "I fear the country will bore you."

"I always love the countryside" She closed her eyes and breathed deeply in effortless grace. "Nothing beats the fresh air, something you rarely find in the city. And the blue sky... and the green grass in the meadow. I remembered in my childhood, nothing made me happier than staying in my father's estate."

Ashton studied his fiancee in a short glance. She was all a man could ask for a wife. Remarkably beautiful, her natural elegance was breathtaking. She never ceased to stir the crowd everytime she walked into a room. And more than just a pretty face, she was a smart woman. She had a strong opinion about everything. Not a typical of overpampered, ignorant lady.

She was perfect for him. She would make a great duchess. A wife could significantly elevate her husband's reputation in society if she played her role very well, and he knew she would.

"I hope you like the room I chose for you. It has the best view to the rose garden."

Selene smiled brilliantly. "It is splendid."

She looked right into his eyes.

"I like everything in your country, Your Grace, especially the people. They are very friendly and polite. The way they welcomed us at the parade, it really touched my heart. I feel their love and respect for you."

"I'm grateful. They may very well love you as their duchess"

Ashton took her hand and kissed it lightly.

"Is there anyone amongst your people who you consider special, or closer to you than anyone else, Your Grace?"

He had no idea where that question might lead, so it took a while before he replied.

"There are some persons I know and get to know me personally. Mostly the most important persons in this town. The priests, the doctors, the principal of local school and some teachers, and some more..."

"I saw you searching for someone in the crowd when we were on the parade..." Selene said in an indifferent tone. "Looked like you found what you sought, from the way you turned backward like you didn't want to lose it. Who might draw your attention so much, Your Grace? The person must be very interesting..."

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