
50. Just like a dream.

'I am gonna sleep here tonight.'

The sudden announcement catch Chloe off guard. Dumbly, she stared at him in confusion.

"Ye-you what!?" She gasped a few seconds later.

Alexander frowned. "I will sleep here tonight." Saying, he just walked toward the bed and sat beside his son, opposite Chloe.

She blinked and watched him in silence. What is this man doing now? He has never slept with his son for once ever. This is what she heard from Daniel at least. And now, he suddenly wanted to sleep with him?

Unaware of the situation, Leonor paused from his drawing and looked up. He was surprised to see his father abruptly close to him.

What is this cold man doing here? Is he here to take Chloe away? No! He won't let him do that!

Dropping his pencil from the hand, he immediately climbed onto Chloe's lap. "Mama... Don't leave." He muttered innocently.

Alexander "....."

His brows furrowed deeper. Was he always that bad? He just came here to sleep. Why did this little guy react pathetically?
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