
The Weaver of Nightmares

"Boss, Percival's back to Luminara, and there's still no word on that batch of minerals from Southwater Island. Has it already been moved to Luminara?" A subordinate, glasses with gold frames on the bridge of his nose, stood respectfully next to the sofa, asking the man lounging on it.

The man was sprawled out lazily, his long right leg casually resting on the coffee table, holding a tablet in one hand and a cigarette in the other. As he flicked his fingers, a stream of bluish-gray smoke rose slowly, ashes and sparks falling to the floor.

Hearing his subordinate, he took a drag from his cigarette, his gaze drifting lazily over.

The subordinate immediately clammed up, not daring to even breathe too loud, knowing one look from the man meant 'don't bother me now, or else'.

The room fell silent, the man continued to watch his screen as if no one else was there, a video that was an hour long playing.

As the video played, bits of sound leaked out, it was the video of him torturing Eulalia.

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