

Mia POV.

We'll talk this through, when Rocco got out of bed first I looked down at my pull-ups, I don't remember much from last night, but those better be dry! I thought about getting up and losing them, but where do I throw them away? I'll be naked without them, I guess I'll wait for Rocco.

"Your turn Mia, you need help?" He asks helping me out of his bed, I was quick to blush and shake my head no, I can get myself ready. He look at me for a minute before nodding and letting me go on my own.

"Take the pull-up off, there's a clean one inside for you, I'll have your uniform ready here" he says, I blush and nod, getting inside the bathroom.

His is different than Mouse's bathroom, the tub had a baby mat thing in it, the counter had an extension of a changing table along with pull-ups, diapers, wipes... everything.

I take a clean one and get it ready, I take my old one off and notice it's a bit wet! How did that happen, I do my business quickly before pulling the new clean one on. A blue
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