
Chapter 57

'Is there a problem?"

She asked, reading the expression on my face.

I heave a sigh.

"Can't the renovation wait till you guys come back?" I asked.

She arch her brows. "Are you like this because of the Alpha?"

I look down.

"You know I didn't want to ask but since that day we left the Alpha's place, you have been moody and lost in thoughts."

I close my eyes.

"I even saw you crying."

I look at her.

"Hmm mm. Not once but twice"

I look down.

"What is the problem? What happened between you two?"

I look at her. She is looking at me worriedly.

I should tell her.

"I think the Alpha and.....and Miss Kent are dating"

The words are hard to form because it makes my heart ache so badly.

She arched her brows.

I nod yes.




"I saw them kissing "

Her eyes widened. "Whoa!"

I shake my head.

"This is huge. Isn't she supposed to be his sister in law? She is Luca's aunt for cry out loud"

I shrugged. "That's what he said. He said she is just family. But that
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