
My Life Now (Hazel)

I didn’t get the job. Hell, I didn’t even get called to do the interview. They suddenly told me that they were no longer hiring. It wasn’t like I wasn’t qualified. I fought the urge to yell at someone and demand some respect. 

They should have called me before I went out of the way to prepare and arrive at the building as agreed.  However, I had no power so I left. 

Instead of thinking about how much I needed a job, a certain brown-eyed devil haunted my thoughts. I thought of the way my body reacted when he touched me, the way he looked at me longingly, and the fact that he wanted to see me again. 

The whole way home, I was caught in a loop of the events that had taken place that morning. It was like a scene from a movie–surreal.

The minute I got to my shitty apartment, everything came crashing back. The way my family lost everything, how my father went to prison, how my sister turned out, and the tragic story of my mother. I once had a perfect family and in one night, it all came crashing down. 

Six months later, I had yet to heal from the aftermath of everything that happened. I was reduced to working three jobs to make ends meet and afford an apartment that looked older than me. 

“Thompson!” The landlord boomed. Since the building had no elevator, I had to run up the stairs to avoid him. I was five days late to pay rent and he wasn’t a particularly patient man. 

I tripped and fell on my way back to my apartment but I picked myself up on time and continued running. 


Don’t you run from me, you cunt! I will fucking kill, bitch! Where is my money?! “ 

Luckily for me, he was a fat unfit man who was also short so he didn’t have long strides. I lived on the third floor so I was able to get to my apartment before him and lock the door. 

Once I was in, I heaved out a sigh of relief and leaned on the door with my eyes closed. 

 I needed to get the rent before he kicked me out or worse, hired people to beat me up. I heard rumors that he did that to tenants who didn’t pay up. They always ended up in the hospital or worse, dead. 


I’ll get you! “ I heard him say outside my apartment as he banged the door. My heart was racing as I waited for him to go. Only when I heard his footsteps retreating did I relax.

I could have talked to him and asked him to give me more time. However, the chances of him doing that were thinner than a Jimmy Choo heel. 

I threw my bag across the room in frustration and paced my room. The only way I could pay off the rent was if I asked my manager at the bar I worked at night to pay me early. 

I blinked back the tears threatening to fall down my face, refusing to be weak. 

Crying wouldn’t solve anything.  Needing to take my mind off things, I made myself coffee and sat down with my laptop to look up Markos Petrakis. How had I not known he had done well for himself? I knew everything that went on with the elite. 

Not anymore, though. After my father was arrested for embezzlement and all our assets seized, I lost all my friends. That meant they weren’t my friends in the first place. 

“Let’s see, “ I said as I typed his name. However, the search came up empty. There were no listings of a company or any business under his name. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering if what I experienced that morning really happened. 

The man was wearing Armani and driving a Rolls Royce. He had to have a company somewhere. When I searched the name Markos alone, the search results showed a bunch of people I had never seen before. I gave up and closed my laptop. 

The rest of the day went by fast, with Markos sneaking in and out of my mind occasionally.

Soon, it was time for my shift at the bar.  It was a shitty bar that was walking distance from where I lived. When I got there, I put on my skimpy uniform and got to work.

It consisted of short tight booty shorts that barely covered my ass, a tight red crop top that showed off my generous bust, and 4-inch high heels. 

My face was caked up in makeup to the point that I was barely recognizable.  Every Monday and Wednesday, I had to endure catcalls, crude remarks, and lingering gazes from customers. Those customers were men who were my age, twice my age, and even those who were old enough to be my grandfather. 

Other customers even went as far as smacking my ass and ' accidentally ' touching my breasts over my uniform. I  was determined to bear it all if it meant making enough money to support myself.

Plus, it was temporary. Once I got a decent job, I wouldn't have to work at the shitty bar.  Me and the other girls working at the club tried to complain about the uniform and the bad treatment from customers but our equally perverted boss encouraged it. 

He even hinted at us sleeping with some customers to ensure they always came back. The girls who were smart enough like me, played along with the men no matter how disgusting it made us feel without going too far. The happier the customer, the larger the tip. 

Complaining wasn't going to solve any of my problems. After my shift that day, I went to the boss’ office to talk to him about paying me earlier than usual. Unluckily for me, it had been a slow night so the tips didn't help my rent problem. 

“What do we have here? Have you finally come to your senses, princess? “ He asked. He knew I was an heiress who lost everything in one day and he loved to mock me for it. 

My pride was bruised the first few weeks of working there but I soon got over it. 

He wanted me to sleep with him and pay me for it. There was a line I drew when it came to making money. Sleeping with men for cash was a hard line to cross. If I was going to sleep hungry some nights, at least I still maintained my dignity.

“Could you pay me a little early, please? I am in a tight spot right now. “ I said, ignoring his question.

“I can't do that…”

I hated that I had to beg but I had no other option. I would get on my knees and beg if I had to. 

“Please, I’ll work extra hours if I have to. “

He thought about it for a while before giving me a creepy smile.

“Fine. Stay late for the 1 a.m. shift and I will pay you soon after.”

The complaint was on my lips. That was very late. I lived in an unsecured building where anyone could come in and out at any time. Kids wrote on the walls and graffitied them all the time.

Who knew what was lurking at night?

“Fine. “ I was willing to take the risk. The landlord was worse than those things lurking in corners.

I stayed late as I had promised and was done by 3 am. At least most of the customers were either going home or passing out. We kicked out the remaining ones and closed the doors for the night. 

When I went to collect my money, I found the boss getting a blow job from one of the waitresses. I  knocked before I entered, meaning he wanted me to find him in that compromising situation.

He made no move to acknowledge me, much less talk to me. He was far too busy enjoying the pleasure he was getting. 

“I just want my money so I can leave, please, I said. “

He laughed and pushed the girl giving him head away. He fixed his fly and asked her to leave us.

“If you get on your knees and finish what that girl started, then I’ll give it to you. “

“That wasn't the deal!”

“What deal? I don't remember making a deal with you. “

“Go to hell!”

“Face it, Hazel. You’re going to end up a whore sooner or later or a stripper at best.

Why don't you start now? I know a couple of guys that want to tap that. “

I felt lightheaded and nauseated by his words. He didn't get to tell me what I was going to become.

“You are a douche and a–”

“I am a man who has seen women like you here before. You say you will never sell your body and you end up doing it. By the time you die, I bet a couple hundred men will have tasted the heiress's pussy. “

“Do you know how many men will line up to sleep with you and pay a lot because you were once a heiress? Hell, I can only imagine the things you’ll let them do to you for money. “

Unable to listen to him any longer, I stormed out of there. 

I rushed straight home and kept my head down to avoid getting robbed. However, luck was not on my side that day because my landlord was lurking in a corner in the dark on my floor waiting for me to get home.

“You thought you could run from me, Thompson? No one runs from me. Especially not a whore like you. “

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