

“ I need you to step up as queen. You need to be strong when these people are weak. They are scared and they will make decisions based on their emotions. You need to be their sober mind. Can you do that? “

I furrowed my eyebrows wondering why he was telling me all that. Where was he going?

“ What’s going on? Are we leaving without you? “ I asked, panic already settling in my chest.

“ I have to seek retribution for this. Blood needs to be spilled and I need you far away when it does. Someone has to pay for what has happened even if it is not the Russians, yet. “ He explained.

Tears started pricking my eyes when I realized that he was putting his life in danger. No matter our issues, I loved him and couldn’t fathom the idea of losing him. I just couldn’t.

He cradled my cheeks and wiped the stray tear that escaped with his thumb. He stared at me with so much adoration that it ripped my heart right out of my chest. I wanted him to come wherever we were going.

“ Hey, I need you to be stron
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