
She gave up

I had never seen such a look in Lily’s eyes. At that moment, she looked capable of taking a knife and stabbing me with it.

“ Why would you say that? I was literally just telling you good news when he came in. This is something he and I had discussed all week. “ I tried to explain but she kept shaking repeatedly. Obviously, she didn’t believe me.

“ You told me you would tell Nikolai to marry me off and I guess you did. You betrayed me! “ She screamed as tears fell freely from her face.

“ That is not what happened. If that is the case, then why were we planning your life minutes ago? “ I asked, wanting to hear what she thought of that.

“ No! You lied! You were trying to get my hopes up just so you could crush them. “ She said.

She was sounding ridiculous by the second. Did she even hear herself?

“ Look, I’ll talk to Nik about this. This was obviously a spur-of-the-moment decision and can still be changed. “ I said and before she could retort and say something rude, I left.

I ran o
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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Elin Kähäri
Why is she so smart and so dumb at the same thime, Lilly is NO friend and she made her bed and now she have to sleep in it!!!! Lilly had the choise to leave and she did not, and she never help her friend and she is lazy and spoiled so im not sad for her at all
goodnovel comment avatar
so sad for Lilly ...

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