

I finished the bottle of wine, but the alcohol had zero effect on my system. I was obnoxiously sober—sober and dreadfully nervous. Why did I need to prove my alibi?! I felt that the man who raped me was tormenting me even after his death!

When Emily returned to our apartment, I debated whether or not the second bottle of wine would help me regain composure. Once I briefly told her about the call from my father, she made the decision for me, and I had my wine glass full before I fully acknowledged what she was doing. After a moment, we were both sitting on my bed with our backs against the wall and glasses of wine in hand.

"That Captain Lockwood must be a total nutjob if he suspects you," she grunted in between sipping her wine.

I sighed. "I didn't think he liked me even before I accused his son of being a rapist. And I don't think he truly believes that I murdered his son. Perhaps he's only trying—" I cut myself off and cursed. Then I gave Emily a wry smile. "I don't even know what he
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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Bella Jersey
You hate and love Emily at the same time
goodnovel comment avatar
Bella Jersey
Ms Q you are becoming truly evil with these cliffhangers

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